Shaping the Culture Through Prayer & Action

Men of the Hood

Esther's Call 
To The Mall

Biblical Family

On June 10th, 2024, at 7pm, over 170+ men gathered st Christ Is King Church at 8635 Callaghan Road, San Antonio, Texas!!  SABWB assembled a speaking team consisting of local Pastors Matthew Bell, Joe Morales, Anthony Walker and yours truly.  Bro Art Silva and his team brought out Big Grizz, a 16-foot grill, and prepared mouth-watering brisket sandwiches along with chips, cookies and a drink.  While fellowshipping around this tasty meal, the men were challenged from Holy Scripture to improve their serve and increase their potential impact in their families, Churches, communities and city!! Masculinity is not toxic, and manhood can never be confused with womanhood.  The comments they gave at the end of the evening were strong evidence that they thoroughly enjoyed their time together, they were inspired to be more Christ-like and they were eager to attend the next meetup!!  Stay tuned! We look forward to gathering with other men’s fellowship groups from many parts of our city which are already building great men!!

The Hawthorne Auditorium, located a stone’s throw from the Pearl, was the gathering place for “Esther’s Call to Mall”!  Women from around the city joined in heart-felt prayer for their children, their husbands and families, their communities, their city and their nation!!  SABWB enlisted Dr. Melissa Weathersby and a team of women lead this local prayer initiative!  The National “Esther’s Call to the Mall” will on October 12th, 2024, on the Mall in Washington D.C. Lou Engle and several other national coordinators are seeking to gather one million women to intercede for this nation!  Stay tuned for information on how you may attend this historic prayer gathering with a team of women from San Antonio!

We had to postpone this event.  We will give you plenty of notice when it has been rescheduled.  I think our number of participating Churches can grow from 6 to 20!  Then San Antonio will get a glimpse of what a difference the Body of Christ can make when we join our hearts!  Stay tuned for details!

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 Read The FootPrints of a Prophet!

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Dear Reader,

On April 15th, 2024, at approximately 5:30pm, I was depositing a $25 donation at my bank. I was prompted in spirit to go live on Facebook with the deposit and encourage our monthly partners to help underwrite the upcoming conference costs estimated at about $20,000. I argued internally about doing it given the time of day it was (it was drive time so no one would be watching a live) and the amount of the deposit, only $25. 

 Well, as The Lord would have it, a donor saw the live and heard me speak about the $20,000.00 projected cost of our annual SABWB conference which took place May 16th – 18th, 2024! The donor contacted me and not only gave a single donation of $20,000.00, covering the cost of the conference, but also permitted me to use it as a Matching Challenge Gift! 

 Our conference was a great success and about $6,000.00 of the Matching Challenge Gift has been matched! Would you be inspired by that donor’s generosity and give to SABWB to match the remaining $12,000.00?!? 

 Click here to donate. I’ll keep you updated!! Thank you in advance!! 

Bishop Charles E. Flowers

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OUr Impact Expands
When Influencers Collaborate

The People’s Movement (TPM) is comprised of citizens of all ages, races and spaces in the City of San Antonio who are unwilling to sit back and do nothing while our God given rights are being eroded. TPM will not bow down in the face of tyranny as it steadily encroaches upon us through varies spheres of influence in our culture. We will take Nonviolent Direct Action (NDA) confronting any civil and/or social institution which threatens the full and uninterrupted exercise of our liberties as given to us by God and the Constitution of the United States.  

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Participate in our "Exclusive Influencer's Only" meet-ups & Mixers, designed to facilitate relationship & collaboration among city leaders.
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Grow in your capacity to lead like you never thought possible with monthly coaching and training from Pastor Flowers and some of the most influential leaders in our city.
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OUr Impact Expands
When Influencers Collaborate
Partnership is just $10/mo

 Coming soon to a city near you! Vote Shift 2020 - 
Awakening a Generation to the Destiny of a Nation Tour!
Perhaps like in no other election cycle before, the voice of the minority believer will have more of an impact on the future of this nation than it has ever had! Minority votes have long been considered an asset of the Democratic Party due to an unfounded loyalty based on the assumption that the Democratic Party is for the working class and the poor while the Republican Party is for the rich white elite population. Nothing could be farther from the truth! 

In most cases, when minority values are considered, we don’t ascribe to slaying the innocent, systemic poverty, classism and race baiting. Our eyes are coming open to the reality that we’ve been coned. We will let our true voices be heard in this upcoming election cycle!! See you on tour!
Copyright © 2021 SABWB
8023 Vantage Dr. #313
San Antonio, TX 78230
(210) 799-3857